1. Ph.D in Computer Science from Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar.
  2. 2010
  3. M.Tech by research in Computer Science & Engineering from Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun.

  4. M.C.A from Kanya Gurukul Mahavidyalaya, Dehradun.

  5. Bachelor in Science from HNB Garhwal University.

  6. Advance Diploma in Software Technology from Hiltron Calc.

MOOCs Courses Completed
  1. 4 weeks course on Neural Networks and Deep Learning an online non-credit course offered through Coursera.
  2. 17 June 2020
  3. 16 Hrs online course on Mastering in Bigdata Analytics offered by Great Learning in collaboration.
  4. 7 June 2020
  5. 5 Hrs online course on Python for Machine Learning offered by Great Learning in collaboration.
  6. 30 May 2020
  7. 6 Hrs online course on Machine Learning Foundation offered by Great Learning Academy.
  8. 22 May 2020
  9. 4 weeks course on Machine Learning for all an online non-credit course authorized by University of London and offered through Coursera.
  10. 13 May 2020
  11. 8 hours online course on Preparing for Online Learning; Engaging for Online Learning; Evaluating and Assessing (QASIP).
  12. 1-3 April 2020